Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Draft2Digital and New Book!

Guess what?
I have a Draft2Digital account. Well, I had a Smashword account that migrated to Draft2Digital. Many of the books have been retired as I put them on Amazon. 
Today, I uploaded a new book to try out D2D's system. If the book isn't out yet, it will be in a couple days.

Here's the book:

What's the book about?
It is a short story about a creature: half-god, half-monster. He escapes the care of a goddess who traverses the underworld. All he cares about is his twin. 
I wrote this story as an exercise in high school. It was our English class and we were tasked to create our own Greek Mythology because that was the lesson of the day. It slept in my messy desk. I typed it up sometime after college and it slept again in my hard drive. Now, I decided it needed to be shared to the world.
The original title was Apocalypsia but I know there's a movie that came out with the same name so I had to think of a new title. Dis, will herald the goddess' return to the mortal realm.

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